Domain Transfer Rules

Before you proceed with a domain transfer, please ensure that the following conditions are satisfied

  • Domain(s) should have been registered at least 60 days ago.
  • Domain(s) shouldn’t have been transferred in the last 60 days.
  • Domain(s) registrant and administrative email addresses should be valid and up to date.
  • Domain(s) shouldn’t be locked or protected.
  • Domain(s) shouldn’t be in the redemption period
  • Domain(s) should be currently active and not suspended or expired.
  • For most TLDs, the domain name can be transferred even if it is currently in the grace period (a certain period after domain expiration). Note that this period can vary depending on your domain registrar.
  • Domain name can’t be transferred to a different registrar within 60 days of making changes to the registrant name, organization, or email address

Please contact us if you face any issues during the domain transfer process.

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