Hosting Integrations

Connect your cloud to other apps

New Relic Monitoring

This option enables you to easily integrate the performance monitoring features available from New Relic so you can view real-time data to help you when debugging issues on your site.

Begin by logging into your account at New Relic, or create a free account there now if you don’t already have one.

The only thing you need from your New Relic account for this integration is your License Key, which you’ll find here. If that link doesn’t work for you, click the API Keys option in your New Relic account profile menu to get to the correct page.

On the API Keys page in your New Relic account, click the three-dot icon at the far right of the License Key row you’ll see there, and select the Copy Key option to copy your key to your clipboard.

Now, back on the Tools screen of your site in MWP Cloud, click the Off link next to New Relic Monitoring. That will pop open a modal window where you’ll be prompted to enter the License Key you just copied.

Then enter any name you like in the App Name field. This is the name for the app that will be automatically created in your New Relic account once you enable this integration.

Once both your License Key and App Name have been entered, enable the integration by clicking the Enable / Disable New Relic toggle at the top of the modal. Then click Save at the bottom.

To disable New Relic Monitoring on your site, simply click the Enable / Disable New Relictoggle again. Your license key will still be saved there if you simply disable the tool. However, you can delete that data before saving if you wish.

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