Known Issues with Third-Party Services

This document details known issues with 3rd-party plugins or services used in conjunction with our hosting, and provides solutions or workarounds where possible. It is an ongoing project and information about any additional 3rd-party issues will be added as needed.

Query Monitor (Plugin)

The Query Monitor plugin adds a file named db.php which gets symlinked into your wp-content directory when the plugin is activated. The file provides extended functionality such as logging the query result and a full stack trace for all database queries.

In some site/server configurations, it may not be possible to directly create that file, so the plugin documentation on github provides WP-CLI and command-line options to manually create it if needed.

However, the command-line option as noted in that document will not work on our hosting as it uses an absolute file path.

If you do need to use the command line option to get that file created on your Cloud hosted site, you’d want to adjust it to use a path relative to the wp-content directory instead, like so:

Oxygen Builder (Plugin)

If you have enabled our WAF (web application firewall) on your hosted site, and are using Oxygen Builder as your page builder, you should know that it can trigger known & blocked attack vectors when publishing updates.

A possible solution would be to disable the triggered rule IDs in your WAF configuration to allow these legitimate requests. However, that would render your site vulnerable to attack through those vectors.

A more secure solution is to add your IP address to the IP Allowlist in your WAF. This would allow all requests originating from your IP to proceed unimpeded.

MyISAM Storage Engine (DB)

Database tables for all sites we host use the InnoDB storage engine by default. This is a much more performant engine than the MyISAM engine still in use by many older sites, or sites that may have been converted to WordPress from pure HTML sites.

When migrating an older 3rd-party hosted WordPress site to NonprofitPress Cloud, any database tables still using MyISAM will be migrated with that older engine still specified in those tables.

While this is not strictly an issue on our hosting, we do strongly recommend converting those tables to use the InnoDB storage engine for better performance with your WordPress site.

Please reach out to support if you have any questions or concerns - we are more than happy to assist with this.

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